Sunday, March 20, 2011

Teething Already?

Apparenly Madalyn has a tooth coming in. We're hoping that this explains her not wanting to sleep much and that this changes soon. Here are the latest photos from the past week.

Have a great week!


  1. Chris, remember that there will be 28 (yes, 28) teeth coming in... so this is just the beginning. I will see you soon and be happy to hold that baby and you and Katie can sleep in!

  2. TOO CUTE! Love the bumble bee outfit & that she's trying to reach for the camera. :)

    Hang in there with teething, and stock up on the baby Tylenol. If you try Orajel, try applying it with a baby toothbrush so she doesn't clamp down on your finger. Good luck!!

  3. Sounds like her Uncle Zack. He cut teeth early also. Love the cute "girly" pictures. She looks so grown up in the seat.
