Monday, December 20, 2010

Family time

Dad is off of work for the next two weeks and looking forward to more family time (and more time to take pictures of his favorite subject!). Here is the latest round of photos.

Cute frog outfit, complete with "old man pants"...

...With smiley frog face on the rear of said pants...

Awake and alert in her chicky outfit...

Hangin' with Mom (and preparing for a nap) in her girly outfit...

The ruffle makes it extra girly, right?

 The obligatory "sound asleep" pictures...

It's hard to believe that Christmas is less than a week away! Hope everyone has a great week. Look for more pics soon...

1 comment:

  1. Animals on butts and extra ruffles are the best part of baby clothes. :) Too cute!

    Enjoy your time off!
